Any class can become capable of steamrolling enemies by loading up on hundreds of items, but the real differences in classes are seen in games like multiplayer, where items are split amongst players and so you can't rely on getting exactly what you want. A large portion of the challenge in Risk of Rain is from being able to deal with games where you get suboptimal drops.

This tier list is made with the assumption that characters have fairly minimal items or sub-optimal items. In this case, Risk of Rain has a massive amount of variation between characters who play, and skilled players will find that the lowest tier characters on this list are generally much more difficult to succeed with compared to the higher tier characters who boast much more effective abilities.

There are many games where the difference between high tier and low tier characters are relatively few, and even the worst characters in the game are quite capable of doing well in the game. Also note that tier lists in games are meant to be a measure of relative strength when comparing one character to another. One of my favourite characters (and namesake) is Roo/Victy from Streets of Rage 3, who is by far the worst character in that game, so I do enjoy playing low tier characters in a number of games and encourage people to try out the low tier characters. Knowing which characters are generally low tier and high tier can aid with players selecting from a wide variety of characters they are unfamiliar with and assist in educating them on what to expect from playing a particular character.
#Risk of rain 2 best character how to#
The lowest tier ones aren't unusable, and nobody should be discouraged from using them, it's just that lower tier characters are generally reserved for experts who know how to deal with their disadvantages. Tier lists basically exist to help players know which characters have the most powerful sets of abilities, and which are generally weaker and much more difficult to use.

I've come up with what I feel is a pretty accurate representation of where characters stand in terms of relative usefulness to one another. I decided to write this after having played a whole lot of single player and multiplayer, up to and including silly challenges like unlocking everything solo in Monsoon without the use of artifacts (which would make unlocking some of them a lot easier, especially with the Command artifact). Risk of Rain - Character Tier List (Current as of Version 1.2.8.)