This core feeling of helpless (ineffable) anguish has given rise to depictions in recent art of silent screams. The cry for help as expressed by traditional religious invocation becomes in our century a scream of defiance in the face of existential despair. If God is all-good and all-powerful, whence evil? One response to this problem, once Nietzche announced the “death of God,” was to shift the burden of such cosmic dilemmas from the divine to the human sphere. Priest and scholar Raimundo Panikkar in The Silence of God defines the central dilemma of the modern age as the problem of God: “God seems ineffective, and deaf, or at least speechless, inasmuch as God permits all manner of holocaust, injustice, and suffering.” 1 What Panikkar describes, however, are actually the consequences of the age-old problem of evil. In Western arts, the silent scream emerges as a reaction to philosophical and religious anguish. A graphic way to illustrate silence in the arts is through the silent scream. Indeed, the crux of the paradox within the arts lies in the palpable presence of a sensory experience virtually absent from the medium: silence in music mute (visual) meaning embedded in the temporal-spatial complex of film and motion suggested by static patterns in painting. The suggestion of sound in the image creates tension, causing a reaction to a sound we do not hear. Visually, we may perceive an object as silent and motionless. Aurally, silence is more than the absence of sound it is a part of sound as well as a means of provoking an emotional response in the listener. We experience the paradox of silence through both hearing and seeing. For the purposes of this paper, I am limiting my analysis to silence in three art forms-music, film, and painting-and to a discussion of silence in religion. In every culture and civilization, silence weaves its way through God’s communication with his creations and throughout our attempt to communicate with the Divine and with each other, particularly through the arts.

This paradox of silence has universal applications. The simple paradox of silence is that what is not said can be more expressive than what is said. The word still suggests that both the mute and the motionless have continuous being, and silence is laden with messages that reach our emotions.

The jar is still (silent and unmoving), yet still moves (us) in its stillness (quietude). Eliot’s stanza captures an essential ingredient in the theme of this essay: the paradoxical relationship between the mute and the immutable, between silence and stasis.

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'paradox.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. 2023 This is just one of many common time-travel paradoxes brought about by traveling faster than light. Philip Kennicott, Washington Post, 6 Apr.

Elle Decor Editors, ELLE Decor, There is an essential paradox here: Video can only critique the surfeit of images and noise by adding yet more images and noise to the mix. Lee Billings, Scientific American, The titular paradox lies in the material itself, which simultaneously embodies both strength and fragility. Lisa Deaderick, San Diego Union-Tribune, 11 June 2023 The most famous being the grandfather–or grandmother– paradox. Evan Romano, Men's Health, 14 June 2023 There is no paradox in being fat and healthy except for the expectation of the medical field that fatness is a sign of illness. Eleanor Cummins, The New Republic, 19 June 2023 As with most Black Mirror paradoxes, the futuristic premise seems to be a helpful evolution of our present-day tech. 2021 The same paradox-to stay in or go out-is plaguing summertime hikers and outdoor runners. Recent Examples on the Web What has changed is our understanding of information in the universe, and with it our appreciation of Maxwell’s demon, first a troublesome paradox, and now an invaluable concept - one that has helped to illuminate the remarkable link between the physical world and information.